Loans for Development, Real Estate Investment and Construction
Financial Assistance - Funding Search
We offer project financing opportunity in the areas of construction, architecture, development and business
Our primary source for funding can provide (through some of the largest American banks, lenders, unions, pension funds, and insurance companies) private equity capital. We prefer US, Canada, Australia, Europe, Caribbean and Mexico based projects but can go into other international arenas ($ 10M minimum) on a project by project basis. We can help with funding on the following project types: Acquisitions, Agribusiness, Apartment Buildings, Motels, Construction Financing, marinas, Subway Extensions, Condo and Town Home Developments, Care Facility, Corporate Expansion, Energy Projects, Factories, Films, Major Flagged Hotels, Golf Courses, Manufacturing Plants, Marinas, City Planning, Medical Offices, Mixed Use Residential and Resort Developments, multifamily dwellings, Office Buildings, Project Financing, Residential Development, Retail Sales, Self Storage Facilities, Shopping Centers, Startups, Expressways, Garages, Parking Lots, Airports, Theme Parks, and Warehouses, etc.

Boston, Massachusetts


Funding is available for almost anyArchitectural, Development, Investment, Business Development andConstruction project if above $10 million USD in costs(projects must be located in the US, Canada, Poland, Mexico, theMiddle East, Russia or the EU). The interest may vary from 7,90 % to8,55 % depending on project's size, location, type, client assets(15%, 20% or 25% of client fin. input is required), and good credithistory. Each project is different. That is why we consider each caseindividually.

Basic fees, documents (ApplicationForm, and later Business Plan,Feasibility Study, photographs, plans) are needed to initiate loanapplication process. I lead and assist clients through all stages tosuccessful funds approval. Usually, anyprofessionally presented project is pre-approved for a final stepwithin 4-5 weeks. Reviewed, and assisted by me loan requests haveabout 95% of a chance to receive funding. We do not accept loanapplications for projects, which have no chances. All information isprovided by me up in front, without misunderstandings or futuredisappointments.

Please see detailed description below. Itexplains how we work, andcontact us at:[email protected]if interested. Downloadand send us your Application Form.Thank you. Arch.Jerry J. Gruzewski.

Dla polskich klientow:
kredyt powinien byc na sume powyzej $10 milionow, przy min. 15%, 20%lub 25% wlasnego wkladu. Przedsiebiorstwo powinno miec conajmniejroczna historie dzialalnosci. Wymagania to: $350 USD
(kosztrozpatrzenia wstepnej
aplikacji)i pisemna umowa. Nie przyjmujemy podan dla spraw, ktore posiadajaprawdopodobienstwo nieotrzymania kredytu. Prosimy owypelnieniei wyslanie Formularza.jest to pierwszy etap ubiegania sie o kredyt. Arch.Gruzewski.

How to Apply forFinancing:


As an initial step in theprocess of Project Financing werequire a completion of the Application LoanForm ($350 USD)This process is assisted by me, after reading project descriptionand reviewing its presentation (in M. Word, or Power Point). If aproject has a chance for a loan, it is me, who determines that, $350is requested for the above mentioned Form processing. Together withthis Statement a short agreement is sent to a client. If a LoanApplicationis approved by me and my business partners $2,750 USD Retainer isrequested to cover part of our time, telecommunication, printing andmailing expenses. Only then, we assist clients further. There mightbe an additional fee involved if client does not have properlywritten Business Plan, poor project presentation, or if my timeinvested in documents verification, corrections, communication, otherassistance exceeds 28 hrs. Clients are requested to have alldocuments professionally prepared, all data correctly presented.Again, each loan is different, and we work with each client onindividual bases.

Without an initialapplicationform we will notbe able to consider or process any applicant's project financingrequest. We will process the client's Application for a Loan, andinterested party will be notified within 21 days (30 days forinternational large scale projects) about the further instructionsregarding completion of the Letter of Interest Application forProject Financing. All other applications requested by financialinstitutions will be completed by us on your behalf using yourinformation.

Project Financing:

We offer project financingopportunity in the areas of construction, industries, development andurban infrastructure. 

Our services encompass legal subjects, jointventure, cooperatives, and municipal and central governmentsubjects.

The necessary condition to obtain the credit isproject's the solid economical documentation and the realisticpayment ability plan. It is required that you supply us with thebusiness opportunity pre-feasibility study or feasibility study andcredit payment assumption plan. We offer and facilitates to performthe business opportunity pre-feasibility or feasibility study,depending on your needs.

The first step iscompletingthe Application Formwith Mr. Gruzewski's assistance

We strongly recommend to send us any additionalinformation, which may help us in project's evaluation. Eachapplication is considered Individually and based on current interestrates.

Repayment Periods and the US Lending Rates:
Up to 10 semiannual
3-year Treasury Rate+ 1%; CIRR Rate is about 3.17%
Over 10 up to 17 semiannual
5-year Treasury Rate + 1%; CIRR rate is about 3.98%
Over 17 semiannual
7-year Treasury Rate + 1%; CIRR rate is about 4.67%
Project FinanceProgram
We offer financing of projects and trade at low interest rates. We provide financing for projects mainly based on government capital of the USA, Canada, European and Asian developed countries, international financing institutions, commercial banks and other sources. Each credit application is reviewed individually and based on project category, assets and guaranties.
We offer:
Projects financing at low interest rate based on government capital of U.S.A, Canada, European and Asian developed countries, as well as international financial institutions, commercial banks and other sources.
Transfer of technologies, licenses and franchising. Procurement leading for the delivery of technology, license and technological lines to complete turn-key projects and individual supply of equipment.
Joint Venture Cooperation with American, Canadian and Mexican Companies.
Assistance in Privatization based on already tested and individually developed programs in conjunction with latest technology and international capital.
Project & Construction Management.
Initial phase of the preparation for USD 2.0 Billion Financing Infrastructure Project.
Initial stage of other Financing Manufacturing Projects.
Development of American - Chinese – Polish Joint Venture in the field of industrial construction.
Servicing Banks: American Banks and private investors
Projected Gross Annual Processing Value: Anticipated financing for 2003: US$ 2.1 billion

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In the first line please state thetotal amount of required loan in US dollars, as well as the name ofthe project. Attached all the documentation that you have; businessplan, pre-feasibility study, etc. Information and the documentationthat you provide will enable us to evaluate the project and make adecision regarding it’s financing and it’srealization.


In spite of the fact that in theabove attachments you will provide the information that will berequired to be repeated again on the following pages of theapplication, we expect that each line on each page to be completedaccurately, truly to the facts and diligently according to ourexpectations. Falls and misguided information given in theapplication will void the project and we will terminate itsservices.


Line 1. Provide the complete name ofyour business, up to date address with your postal code, tel./fax,E-mail address and your Web site.

Line 2. List the names of themanagement and all directors; beside each name state their positionand function.

Line 3. State the full registrationdate of your business. If not possible, provide the year of theregistration.

Line 4. State the legal status of thebusiness according to the business registration documents. Pleaseprovide all the business registration numbers.

Line 5. Give us a concise descriptionof company origin, legal status, ownership, facilities, businessactivities (and any major changes during last 3 years), primarymarket(s), subsidiaries, affiliates, and commonly owned companies. Inaddition to names of corporate and individual owners, provide theaddress of individuals with an ownership interest of at least 20% innon-financial institutions. Please use an additional attachment sheetif needed.

Name of any related or commonly ownedcompany that accounted for more than 25% of company sales orpurchases during the last fiscal year.

Line 6. State the gross sales in thelast three years in US dollars.

Line 7. State the amount of income orloses in the last three years in US dollars.

Line 8. State and additionally on theseparate attachment sheet please describe the total value of theproperties own by the owner of the project, according to thedescription provided in this line. Please take into consideration the% of your shares in other companies, stated in US dollars.

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Line 9. State the latest employmentfigures of the company that owns the project, as well as others wherethe ownership is 51% or more.

Line 10. State the total area of allown building structures (industrial, commercial, storage facilities,offices, etc., including leased space. Please provide a copy of theleasing agreement with its English version.

Line 11. State the total area of allown real estate properties including the property on which theproject is planned. In case of the leasing property, provide us witha copy of the leasing agreement with its English version.

Line 12. Please provide theregistered number of the Land Registry, as well as the addresses ofNotary Offices for those real estates listed in line 11. If thepurchase of land for the planned project is considered, state thecost of the transaction involved. If financing of this land purchaseis considered, then the full documentation is required. / Landsurveying maps, Statement of the Land Registry, estimates,agreements, etc.. Except maps all documents must be translated intoEnglish.


Line 1. Accurately describe the typeof the project. Additionally provide the description of intendedchange of the production profile, from military tocivvies-commercial.

Line 2. Provide full financialdocumentation. If the financial documentation was ordered, pleaseattach copies of such orders and agreements.

Line 3. As above.

Note ! Any financial, technical andprocess documentation provided must be submitted in English infive (5) copy sets. Additionally one set is to be in theoriginal language

Line 4. Provide copies of alldocuments regarding permits, licenses and agreements with the local,territorial or central administration. The documents must betranslated into English. In case of inability of such documents,please describe the level of their advancement and the nearest dateof their supply.

Line 5. As above.

Line 6. If the business plan orfeasibility study does exist as well as completetechnological/process documentation with progress schedule isavailable, then state the time span according to the progressschedule. If this documentation is not available state theapproximate time table and the date when they will beready.

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Line 7. The time schedule for loanuse should be ahead of time schedule stated in line 6.

Line 8. If precise data in thefinancial documentation are not available state approximatelyinvestment amounts in each required position in line 8. Otherwisegive precise data that is included in the financialdocumentation.

Line 9. Generally, state the amountsof your own sources (USD) towards the project, as well as the valueof your real estate, buildings, equipment, materials andlabor.

Line 10. In practice, lendinginstitutions accept semiannually or annually repayment plan, althoughsemiannual period is preferable.

Terms of loan repayment are either:
* short term plan - 10 semiannual payments; up to 3 years or/and up to 5 years,
* medium term plan - 17 semiannual payments; up to 5 years or/and up to 8.5 years
* long term plan - above 17 semiannual payments; about 10 years
When long-term plan is chosen the following process is followed:
* type of loan repayments – semiannually (every six months),
* construction - three and a half years (3.5),
* waiting period – three semiannual payments (1.5 years),
* loan repayments- twenty semiannual payments (10 years)

This represents total of 15 yearsfrom the moment of (project) construction till the last semiannualloan repayment including: construction 3.5 years, waiting period 1.5years, loan repayments 10 years. Exceptionally for large projects– mainly the government sponsored projects – in the scaleof $1 to $5 billion US, repayment period over 15 years may benegotiated.

Line 11. State the estimated coversource for project’s cost, according to stated expectations inline 11. If there is any project financial documentation, then thestated data in line 11 should correspond to that of thedocumentation.

Line 12. The description in this linemay be a rough estimate when no financial documentation is available,otherwise the provided data should correspond to the data of businessplan or financial documentation


Important Notice

It is very important, that projectowners have to posses sufficient "seed money" to start the project.The more cash money put in the project, the more chances to obtain aquick financing from financial institutions. The project owners’money is used mostly to cover costs of the pre-investing phase aswell as the beginning of the investing phase – an accomplishmentof the project. The phase includes a wide range of consulting andengineering operations and consists of:

* setting up legal, financial and logistic basis to accomplish the project,
* decisions, purchases and transfer of technology and initial technical projecting.
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Please list accurately all otherproject owner’s financial liabilities. Any misleadinginformation may terminate the project financingprocess.

Line 1. Please state in appropriate section if project’s owner is interested in any other services besides the project financing. When owner of the project possess the free production and engineering availability indicate it by x in the space- co production, and provide description of such proposition of cooperation with US firm, Canadian or Mexican.
Line 2. State the reason for such cooperation with American, Canadian or Mexican partners and describe the kind of business activity.
Line 3. Precisely describe your detailed expectations from your business partners. 
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Accurately filled Applicationfor Foreign Currency Loantogether with the processing fee payment should be sent to Mr.Gruzewski. We. have no obligation to consider the Application withoutprovided processing fee payment.

Note! In case of a missingdocument, for example construction permit, or lacking someinformation while Application is being submitted, please state theexpected time of their submission. Some documents can be submitted tothe lender within six months from the date when the Letter of Intent(LI) is received.


For the most part of the financialinstitutions, qualifying project financing commission meets onceevery month, therefore any missing document or information beforecommissions meeting would move the Application to be considered forthe following date. On our part, we will be requesting these missinginformation from the owner of the project by return mail.Success inproject completion will be achieved through smooth mutual cooperationbetween the project’s owner and us.

In case of big private projects,local and central government support and help will be oftenrequested. No big project can have adversaries at any local orcentral level of administration. As per lenders, project owners aredivided in "Public Sector" or "Private Sector". The Public SectorProject has at least 51% shares of different government levels. Allprojects with up 49% shares of different government levels are calledPrivate Sector Projects.

If you cannot supply us with properdocuments, the estimated costs of the financial documentationaccording to the project amounts is as follows:

1.0%– 3.0 % of the project amount for small and medium industrial projects
0.2 – 1.0% of the project amount for big industrial projects with developed technology and marketing. 

If interested in financial assistance (loan)for any project between $10 million and $750 millionUSD, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will lead you andyour project through the application, and a loan acquiring process.Depending on your presentation, project documentation FIRST steptakes 4 to 5 weeks (application); SECOND, and final step may takefrom 2 to 7 months, depending on your project size, type, amount ofmoney requested, profibility, and location.

We cannot arrange loans below $10 million USD
Clients should have 20% to 25% of their own funds (assets).
Send us your Application Form if interested. This is first and most important step.
Contact: [email protected]


Arch.J. J. Gruzewski, MA